World Cup 2014 :: The Brazilian Caxirola - pengetahuanku, ada disini!!!

Kamis, 17 April 2014

World Cup 2014 :: The Brazilian Caxirola

The Brazilian Caxirola is the new Vuvuzela of World Cup Soccer! The vuvuzela was one of the biggest hits of the last World Cup, so for World Cup 2014 in Brazil, they are making millions of Caxirolas to shake, rattle and boogie down at the biggest World Cup Party gear to happen next summer. The Caxirola is in the process of being tested out, let's take a look at how things are going...

The Caxirola Catch

The Caxirola is basically a maraca with the green and yellow colors of the Brazilian flag. It is an instrument that you shake to make a rattling sound. If you shake it consistently, you can impersonate a rattle snake. However, it's meant to be shaken in rhythm of the beats that will be played at all the World Cup games by the famous Brazillian Drummers.

The Caxirola Design
The Caxirola Design
Courtesy of

Snake Sounds

So far, the Caxirola has been given out at some Brazilian National games to see how the Caxirola will sound. When you watch it on TV, the Caxirolas sound like a long hisssssss thoughout the game. So not only do you get the rattle of a rattle snake, but from a distance, it sounds like you are approaching a stadium full of snakes.

Possible Problems

Caxirola Field Toss
Caxirola Field Toss
Courtesy of
At one of the Brazilian National games where they tested out giving the Caxirolas to each fan, it totally backfired as Brazil started to lose the game and thousands of fans decided to throw their Caxirolas onto the field. The Caxirola is the shape of a football and it can be thrown far distances because of it's aerodynamic shape. There were so many Caxirolas on the field, the game was suspended and the players had to help pick them all up.

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